My name is Robert Conley, and I am running for a Crawford Central School Board position. I was born and raised in Meadville and attended First District, the old Junior High, and Meadville Area High School. After college, I returned to Meadville, got married, and raised my two sons here with my wife Kelly Anne.
My mother, Joan Conley, was a teacher for three decades in the school district, and I grew up hearing about the concerns and issues that surround Crawford Central. As I raised my kids, various issues concerning them came up before the school board. In the course of addressing the board about my concerns, I learned about other issues involving the district and found I had something to contribute to those as well.
My job and training have taught me how to look at things as a whole, starting with little to no information other than the issue itself. Finding the core of the problem, doing the hard work of research, and then coming up with options and solutions is what I will bring to the school board if elected.
Whether it's health issues, complex tax systems, budgets, or policies, I intend to fully understand them, lay out all the options, and more importantly, communicate my findings to the community.
While I have my opinions about various matters, I consider what I can do in light of what is good for students, their parents, teachers, taxpayers, the community, and the administrators. All of these groups are vital to a healthy school district and its goal of educating future citizens of the United States.
I learned during the time I volunteered in BSA Exploring and Scouting that the secret to a successful organization is not in grand gestures but rather in doing the hard work to win the dozens of small victories needed to keep things going for the benefit of all.
Regardless of where you fall on the issues of the day, I hope to have your support for this primary election